Adobe Creative Cloud Latinoamérica

Graphic universe development that included visual elements and graphic concept for the campaign
“El Talento Está en Todos”

Creative Cloud "El Talento Está en Todos" is a campaign that was born with the concept that as creatives we all have very diverse processes, but when it comes to learning, we have certain particular ways of doing it.

From the types of thinking, we find that each person at the time of learning, does it individually, in a group or collectively. When it comes to talent there is a false belief: the result is given thanks to the tool, we discover that the tool does not make the artist, it only drives him.

Going back to the theory that everything starts from one point, we developed a system from a figure that we transformed into a brand asset, which was endowed with a tone, character and personality inspired by the people with whom we already spoke. the ideas they seek to develop with us.

This element may be able to communicate, relate, transform, meet, contrast. This for Adobe would be a professional build.

- Client: Adobe
- Year: 2020


Art Direction


Peruanos Power


Facebook Stickers